Fashioning a Nation: German Identity and Industry, 1914-1945
Are you interested in hosting this exhibit?
- Read the Borrower's Information Packet.
- Review the current tour schedule to ensure the exhibit is not already booked during the dates you would like to request.
- Once you have read and agree to the requirements listed in the packet, please submit a booking request.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at 770-206-1555.

This exhibition explores the powerful history of German fashion from its international impact to its destruction by the Nazi regime. It honors the legacy of the Jewish Germans who contributed to its rise and commemorates the great cultural and economic loss resulting from its demise.
Access the exhibit's online materials.
The exhibit consists of 16 free-standing panels measuring 8’ by 3' each. The panels must be arranged in chronological order according to the number on the reverse side of each panel.
There is no rental fee at this time for this exhibit. However, hosts may be asked to cover the travel expenses for the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust staff member(s) for set-up and take-down of the exhibit unless other arrangements have been made.
As travel expenses will vary depending on location, distance, and availability the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust is unable to provide an estimate until booking negotiations begin with the host.
No admission fee may be charged to the public to view the exhibit unless the host has a standard admission in place at the facility.