Speakers' Bureau & Educational Programs
The number of people affected by the Holocaust is almost incomprehensible. To gain a better understanding of this history and how it informs today's social and political environment, as well as providing a better understanding of our citizen rights and responsibilities in a democracy, the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust provides a variety of programs. You may request speakers who share personal testimonies, educational lectures, or presentations on specific historical topics such as: How Did it Happen?, The Resistance, the Nazi Rise to Power, or Anne Frank, as examples.
Cost - Speaker programs are free of charge. A donation of $150 (to the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust) is appreciated, but not required, for speaker engagements.
Group Size - A minimum audience size of 75 attendees may be required for a speaker program.
Age Level - For all programs, members of the audience should be grade 5 and above.
Scheduling - For scheduling purposes, requests should be sent a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the preferred program date.
To set up a program for your school, organization or other group, begin the process by submitting a REQUEST FORM. A GCH Educator will respond to your request and discuss the program that bests suits your school's or group's needs.