September 14, 2011
Georgia Commission on the Holocaust announces the Holocaust Learning Trunk Project
The Georgia Commission on the Holocaust is proud to present the Holocaust Learning Trunk Project to the state of Georgia. The project is supported by The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. and the Georgia Department of Education.
The project will begin on September 20, 2011. Trunks filled with a complimentary educational materials about the Holocaust and genocide will make their way to middle schools across the state.
The project will provide a total of 35 trunks with contents totaling 75 materials. Trunks will be available for check-out to middle school teachers through their respective RESA (Regional Service Educational Agency.) There are a total of 16 RESA districts in the state of Georgia.

For more information please visit the project page. Follow the Twitter hashtag #gaholocausttrunks to track the trunks as they are decorated by local students and presented to districts across the state.